Biography and profile of Happy Asmara

Heppy Rismanda Hendranata is his name.

The Happy Asmara stage name

born on 10 July 1999 (age 23)

Origin: Indonesia's East Java, Kediri.

164 cm (5 ft 4+12 in) is the height.

Indonesian nationality

Open University (UPBJJ-UT) Malang, alma mater


Singer, songwriter, actress, musician, host, businessperson, YouTuber, and celebrity


- The Ambyar Queen

Queen of Broken Hearts

Hendro Siswantoro, the father, and Dwi Yuslianti (mother)

Alexio Betrand Alvaro and his cheerful sister Cahya Fortuna are his relatives (sister)

Genres Dangdut Koplo, Pop, Campursari, and Java

Instruments: Ukulele, guitar, and vocals

@happy asmara77 on Instagram

Social media: @happy asmara

Happy Asmara on YouTube


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