Red Velvet Profile

Call sign: Red Velvet
Origin: South Korea's Seoul
Description: S.M. Entertainment
KPOP, R&B, and electropop
Member count: 5
Name of Fan: Black Forest
2014 August 1 debut
first track: Joy
Active Year: 2014 to the present
Web address:
@redvelvet.smtown on Instagram
Red Velvet's Facebook page may be found at this url: rel="nofollow" target=" blank"
YouTube: Red Velvet
Fancafe: SM004 at
Members of Red Velvet: Bios and Images
A red velvet Irene
Authentic name: Bae Joo-hyun
Date and place of birth: March 29, 1991, Daegu
Size: 161 cm
44 kilograms\
Leader, primary rapper, lead singer, and lead dancer
5 Interesting Irene Red Velvet Facts
Having blood type A, Irene
Purple is Irene's favorite color.
41 is Irene's favorite number.
Irene is a quiet and reserved lady.
Irene is a quiet and reserved lady.
Irene can mimic the Doraemon suara voice in Korean.
Seulgi from Red Velvet
Seulgi from Red Velvet
Authentic Name: Kang Seul-gi
birthplace: Ansan, 10 February 1994
Size: 162 cm
Size: 42 kilogram
Position: Lead singer, primary dancer, and rapper
Seulgi from Red Velvet
True Name:
Seulgi from Red Velvet
Authentic Name: Kang Seul-gi
birthplace: Ansan, 10 February 1994
Size: 162 cm
Size: 42 kilogram
Position: Lead singer, primary dancer, and rapper
Seulgi from Red Velvet: 5 interesting facts
A is Seulgi's blood type.
Seulgi is a guitar player.
Seulgi enjoys eating bread and meat.
Seulgi enjoys dancing, singing, sketching, and playing the guitar.
Seulgi speaks Japanese with ease.
Son Seung-wan () is his real name.
Date and place of birth: February 21, 1994, Seongbuk-dong
Size: 160 cm
Size: 40 kilogram
Position: Dancer and lead vocalist
Wendy Red Velvet: 5 interesting facts
Wendy is O-blooded.
Wendy is a mulatto Canadian-Korean woman.
Since she was in the fifth grade, Wendy has resided in Canada.
77 is Wendy's favorite number.
Blue is Wendy's most favored color.
Park Soo Young, real name
Birthplace: Seoul, 3 September 1996
Size: 167 cm
43 kilograms
Role: Lead rapper and vocalist
The Joy of Red Velvet: 5 Facts
Joy enjoys eating chicken and pizza.
Joy enjoys being referred to as "Bright."
Joy enjoys infants or young children.
Joy assembles lip balm
Joy is known as the Selca Queen.
Joy in one of Zelo BAP's classes
Actual name: Kim Ye Rim
Born in Seoul on March 5, 1999
Size: 158 cm
Size: 42 kilogram
Position: Maknae, rapper, and vocalist
Five Yeri Red Velvet facts
Character Hello Kitty appeals to Yeri.
Yeri has three siblings.
Yeri regularly consumes bread.
Yeri is an upbeat and curious individual.
Yeri's preferred
A is Seulgi's blood type.
Seulgi is a guitar player.
Seulgi enjoys eating bread and meat.
Seulgi enjoys dancing, singing, sketching, and playing the guitar.
Seulgi speaks Japanese with ease.
Red Velvet Wendy
Son Seung-wan () is his real name.
Date and place of birth: February 21, 1994, Seongbuk-dong
Size: 160 cm
Size: 40 kilogram
Position: Dancer and lead vocalist
Wendy Red Velvet: 5 interesting facts
Wendy is O-blooded.
Wendy is a mulatto Canadian-Korean woman.
Since she was in the fifth grade, Wendy has resided in Canada.
77 is Wendy's favorite number.
Blue is Wendy's most favored color.
Red Velvet Joy
Park Soo Young, real name
Birthplace: Seoul, 3 September 1996
Size: 167 cm
43 kilograms
Role: Lead rapper and vocalist
The Joy of Red Velvet: 5 Facts
Joy enjoys eating chicken and pizza.
Joy enjoys being referred to as "Bright."
Joy enjoys infants or young children.
Joy assembles lip balm
Joy is known as the Selca Queen.
Joy in one of Zelo BAP's classes
Red Velvet Yeri
Actual name: Kim Ye Rim
Born in Seoul on March 5, 1999
Size: 158 cm
Size: 42 kilogram
Position: Maknae, rapper, and vocalist
Five Yeri Red Velvet facts
Character Hello Kitty appeals to Yeri.
Yeri has three siblings.
Yeri regularly consumes bread.
Yeri is an upbeat and curious individual.
Yeri's preferred
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