Konrad Zuse's Profile

born on June 22nd, 1910 in Berlin, Germany

age 85; passed away on December 18, 1995 in Hünfeld, Germany.

Germany is where you are from. German nationality

Aerodynamics Research Institute Fields: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Technical University of Berlin

Z3, Z4, Plankalkul, and Counting Space are well-known.

Awards include the Werner von Siemens Ring in 1964, the Harry H. Goode Memorial Award in 1965 (awarded to George Stibitz alone), and the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1972.

1999 Fellow Award

Honors and awards

In 1964, Werner von Siemens Ring (together with Fritz Leonhardt and Walter Schottky)

In 1965, the Harry H. Goode Memorial Award (together with George Stibitz)

In 1972, the Bundesverdienstkreuz, or Great Cross of Merit

The 1999 Computer History Museum Fellow Award

Berlin's Zuse Institute


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