True Identity Do Kyung-Soo

Famous Person D.O.

Birthplace of Goyang, Gyeonggi, South Korea

Birthdate January 12, 1993

Singer, dancer, and actor by trade

EXO-K and Group EXO

principal vocalist

from 2011 to the present

Facts about EXO D.O.

The real name of D.O is Do Kyung-soo.

Do Kyung-soo is referred to as D.O.

Chanyeol was born in South Korea's Goyang, Gyeonggi province.

Born on January 12, 1993, is Chanyeol.

D.O. is currently (2018) around 25 years old.

D.O. is a Capricorn in the zodiac.

D.O has heart-shaped lips, which are visible when she smiles.

One is D.O's favorite number.

Pororo is D.O's favorite animated movie.

D.O. has elongated eyes.

Hollywood actress Amanda Seyfried is D.O's fave.

D.O is an SNSD and f.nang fanboy (x)

D.O's role model at SM Entertainment is Yoo Young Jin.

D.O will work as a chef if he decides against becoming a singer.

D.O wants to become a hairdresser as well as a cook.

D.O's parents gave him a lot of encouragement when he decided he wanted to pursue a career as a singer.

D.O is a beatboxer.

For adult men, D.O.'s pant size is the smallest.

D.O. has a timbre that is low.

D.O. is an A blood type.

D.O. enjoys ice cream.

Do Seung Soo is the name of D.O's elder brother.

Age-wise, D.O. and his brother are three years apart.

Taeyeon is the SNSD member that D.O admires.

D.O won't blink when he is intently listening to something.

D.O. is skilled at sewing.

Black is D.O's favorite color.


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