Do Kyung-soo Profile

true identity Do Kyung-soo

Famous Name: D.O Goyang Birthplace, Gyeonggi, South Korea

Birthdate : January 12, 1993

Singer, dancer, and actor; members of the groups EXO and EXO-K

Position of Main Vocalist Active from 2011 to the Present

Facts about EXO D.O.

Do Kyung-soo, better known as D.O, is Do Kyung-true soo's name.

Chanyeol was born in South Korea's Goyang, Gyeonggi province.

Born on January 12, 1993, is Chanyeol.

Currently (2018) (2018) D.O. is about 25 years old.

D.O. is a Capricorn in the zodiac.

D.O has heart-shaped lips, which are visible when he smiles. His favorite number is 1.

Pororo is D.O's favorite animated movie.

D.O. has elongated eyes.


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