V BTS Profile

V (stage name)

Kim Tae Hyung () as of birth

30 December 1995 as a birthdate

Capricorn is the Zodiac Sign.

178.8 cm (5'10.4") is the height

63.4 kilograms (139.8 lbs)

AB blood type

Intuitive Type INFP-T

Instagram: @thv; V's Spotify list: V's Join Me

Facts about V  (Taehyung): 

He was born in Daegu but later relocated to Geochang, where he lived until moving to Seoul.

– The members of V's family include his father, mother, younger sister, and younger brother.

- Education: Global Cyber University and the Korea Art School

- He speaks Japanese with ease.

– V verified that he is currently 178.8 cm (5'10′′) tall. (Let's BTS, 29 Mar 2021)

His preferred shade is gray. (According to a 170505 BTS interview for J-14 Magazine)

His preferred number is 10.

- V enjoys using his computer, huge dolls,clothing, footwear, jewelry, and everything distinctive.

- V is known by the nicknames TaeTae (since it's simple to pronounce), Blank Tae (because he always has a blank expression), and CGV (since his visuals are so perfect and outstanding like the computer game character)

- It is believed that five individual fan groups were started after the release of his teaser image.

– Although he has been a member of the group for some time, his debut was the first time that the public became aware of him.

– One eyelid of Kim Taehyung is single, and the other is double.

- His personality is 4D.

– He received his driver's license (BTS Run, episode 18) - He grinds his teeth at night.

– He can only have one beer before he becomes inebriated.

– He dislikes coffee but adores hot chocolate.

– Anything distinctive is to his liking.

– Despite wearing high heels, Taehyung can dance (Star King 151605). Out of all the members, Taehyung is the pickiest eater.

– Eric Bannet is one of his favorite artists. His father is an example to him. He aspires to be a parent like his father—someone who looks out for his kids, pays attention to what they have to say, and supports and counsels them as they make plans for the future.

– He and Jin share the same interests.

– When V is having an issue, he will tell Jimin and Jin about it. But given that they are the same age, he believes Jimin is easier to converse to.

– A previous log (dated 130619) stated that V's best friend was Jimin.

– He has friends, too. with Kim Minjae (actor), EXO's Baekhyun, BTOB's Sungjae, GOT7's Mark, SHINee's Minho, Park Bogum (actor), etc.

– In 2015, he and Kim Minjae made an appearance on "Celebrity Bros."

– V is compared to Baekhyun (EXO) and Daehyun by fans (B.A.P.). He said that his mother is Baekhyun and his father is Daehyun.

– Along with J-Hope, V is a mood-maker in the BTS group.

– Taehyung is BTS's second-best English speaker, according to Namjoon. After-School Club

– Taehyung is a GUCCI fan.

– V acquired her very first album from Girls' Generation.

– Recently, he has shown an interest in photography; if he weren't an idol, he probably would be a photographer.

– V has a propensity for gathering ties. The DNA Comeback Show

- V's catchphrase: "I just thought of But let's live life calmly and to the fullest. Since life only comes around once, make the most of it by waking up relaxed and working hard.

– V is the most well-liked BTS member in Taiwan, according to a study conducted by Yahoo Taiwan.

– V is in charge of the washing machine in the dorm.

– Because he was able to share his birthday with K.Will, V was overjoyed when he celebrated his birthday (131230 at MBC Gayo Daejun). Next to BTS's room was K. Will's waiting area. So K.Will approached him and inquired, "Hey, is today your birthday? It's also mine! Let's both blow out the candle.

– V appreciates theme parks. He particularly enjoys roller coasters, gyro swings, and drops.

– V is able to climb trees, however he fall back.

Taehyung can use both hands. He was left handed at first, but he is now ambidextrous.

– V is from a low-income household: "I never imagined I would become famous. I hailed from a low-income family." He was raised by a farming family and frequently shoots photos of their property.

– In an interview with "The Star," he disclosed, "Being an idol is a fortunate opportunity that only occurs once in a lifetime. I think I would probably be a farmer if I wasn't in BTS. I would be working beside my granny plucking weeds on a farm.

– Taehyung claimed that his hands were his most self-assured body part.

– V listens to classical music while he sleeps since he loves it so much.

– He approves of Vincent van Gogh.

In the Korean drama "Hwarang," V played a role (2016-2017).

- V and Jin sang "It's Definitely You, Part 2" from "Hwarang's" OST.

– V would like to visit his folks if he had a day off. MCD Backstage 140425" -\s– V claimed that family, health, and honor are the three things he needs to be happy.

– V enjoys Kyungho. Know Your Brother episode 94

– V acquired a new puppy in December of 2017; his name is Yeontan and he is a black Pomeranian Teacup.

– The "Top 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2017" put V first.

– V is listed as the fifth most attractive person in 2018 by TC Candler.

– "Amusement park," said V of his ideal date. A good park is also close by. Holding hands would be lovely, in my opinion.


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