Jungkook Profile

Jeon Jeong Kuk () is his birth name.

Date of birth: 1 September 1997

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Height: 5'10" (178 cm).

Size: 71 kg (156 lbs)

A blood type

INTP-T Representative on the MBTI Emoji:

Spotify playlist for Jungkook Jungkook: I'm now listening to it on Instagram at @jungkook.97.

Facts about Jungkook: He was born in South Korea's Busan.

- Jungkook's parents, father, and elder brother make up his family.

- Education: Global Cyber University and Seoul School of Performing Arts

He was a student at Baek Yang Middle.

- Jungkook graduated in February 2017 from Seoul Performing Arts High School.

- Jeon Jung Hyun is the name of his elder brother.

– His favorite foods are anything made of flour, such as pizza and bread. Black is also his preferred color. Run BTS Episode 39.

He enjoys sketching, soccer, and playing video games.

— Jungkook Hobbies include photography, video editing (Golden Closet Films), finding new music, and creating covers.

– Because of his rhinitis, he has a strange tendency of frequently sniffling. Additionally, he frequently wiggles his fingers. His shoe size is 270 mm.

– He enjoys the number one.

- Reported to be an excellent cook.

– He like makeup and shoes.

– He detests unpleasant tastes, insects, getting harmed, and studying. (Jungkook wrote the biography)

– He is fluent in English, Japanese, and Korean (basic).

– In a club, Jungkook discovered B-boying in seventh grade while hanging around with pals and hyungs.

– He has Taekwondo skills (he has a black belt).

– He played handball before he became a member of the group.

– A sunny day with a little wind is his ideal weather.

– After ten years, Jungkook desires to either run a duck meat eatery or work as a tattoo artist.

– He participated in Superstar K auditions in middle school and performed IU's "Lost Child," but he was eliminated in the first round. He received proposals from eight different entertainment agencies on the way back home.

– He chose to join Big Hit Entertainment after discovering future member Rap Monster's rap and falling in love with it.

– Suga frequently refers to Jungkook as Jeon Jungkookie, Golden Maknae, Kookie, and Nochu.

– G-Dragon is Jungkook's inspiration (BigBang).

– When he was small, becoming a badminton player was his dream. He shifted his dream to become a singer in his first year of high school after listening to G-music. Dragon's

– Living without passion is his guiding principle. is equivalent to dying.

- Jungkook hopes to take a trip someday with his girlfriend.

- He obtained a driver's license (BTS Run ep. 18)

He enjoys reading graphic novels.

Iron Man is a favorite movie of Jungkook's.

- Jungkook believes he is a professional gamer. (94) Knowing Brother

Jungkook is able to simultaneously play games on two PCs. (94) Knowing Brother

- Jimin claims that when Jungkook swears, he smiles.

- Jungkook acquired a Doberman named Bahm (which means "night" in Korean) in 2021 and has two dogs named Gureum (which means "cloud" in Korean). is equivalent to dying.

- Jungkook hopes to take a trip someday with his girlfriend.

- He obtained a driver's license (BTS Run ep. 18)

He enjoys reading graphic novels.

Iron Man is a favorite movie of Jungkook's.

- Jungkook believes he is a professional gamer. (94) Knowing Brother

Jungkook is able to simultaneously play games on two PCs. (94) Knowing Brother

- Jimin claims that when Jungkook swears, he smiles.

- Jungkook acquired a Doberman named Bahm (which means "night" in Korean) in 2021 and has two dogs named Gureum (which means "cloud" in Korean).


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